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About Melonpanda

When you visit Melon Panda it's like visiting a friend for a cup of coffee: discussing everything, checking up new stuff in her cosmetic bag, make up nails with her nail polish. 

This is more than a store and more than a service — it's a pleasure to talk to women about women  — just by asking for advice, you get comprehensive information about Japanese cosmetics. 

Just because you and we are passionate about it. And we will always understand each other!

Passion for Japanese cosmetics goes beyond the assortment of the store, we will help you find something hard to find, compare it for you and help to make a choice. 

And if you will feel better thanks to our cosmetics and products, at the end of the earth in distant Japan, someone (we are) will be happy for you and will be asure that's  our job done well.

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